erasmus +
{ERASMUS} {blockquote {@ style="text-align:center; font:bold 2em georgia; margin:50px 0"} [[May 2017, meeting in Perpignan|../erasmus_2017]]} {center {div {@ style="position:absolute; top:180px; left:50%; width:600px; margin-left:-300px; font-size:1.4em;"} [[France|../farm/france/]] | [[Italy|http://sbsaronno.altervista.org/]] | [[Greece|../farm/greece/]] | [[Czech_Republic|../farm/czech/]] | [[Turkey|../farm/turkey/]] {br} {image data/france.png France ../farm/france/} {image data/italy.png Italy http://sbsaronno.altervista.org/} {image data/greece.png Greece ../farm/greece/} {image data/czech.png Czech_Republic ../farm/czech/} {image data/turkey.png Turkey ../farm/turkey/} } {img {@ src="data/pm_homere.jpg" height="620" title="Homère Iliade, Traduction nouvelle de Jean-Louis Backès, folio Classique, http://larepubliquedeslivres.com/homere/)" style="margin-top:30px;"}} {div {@ style="font-size:8em; color:#fff; margin-top:-120px; text-shadow:0 0 8px black;"}Erasmus{sup +}} {div {@ style="font-size:2.0em; color:#000; letter-spacing:18px; margin:-40px 0 10px -25px; text-shadow:0 0 8px black;"}Heroic Fantasy} } {div {@ style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2;"} _p The aim of our « {b Heroic Fantasy} » project is to establish a link between six European schools and a Turkish one so that pupils and teachers may work together. Each school carries out a project which will be proposed to its partners for a definite period of time. _p For three years ambassador teachers and pupils will meet in each of those schools to work together. _p When this work is finished, the pupils will all meet at the Jean Macé school in France to present their work in a theatrical performance. } _h6 Main features of the Heroic Fantasy project: _ul {{Note_start english} {{boldy} 1) Practising English}} {{Note_end english} _p Thanks to the Heroic fantasy project, the pupils approach English in a very concrete way as they're asked to communicate with a foreign mate and to exchange simple information. Moreover, each time the participants meet, Englih teachers supply the necessary corrections. the pupils, and their teachers alike, find themselves in a communicating situation which makes the practice of the language easier. } _ul {{Note_start myths} {{boldy} 2) Discovering myths and folk tales which are part of the roots of European culture}} {{Note_end myths} _p Greek an Roman myths, as well as folk tales, are at the basis of our European culture. Each partner chooses one of those tales as a working support for all the project members during one trimester. That gives them the opportunity to discover and tell them again. Pupils choose to carry out slide shows, songs, puppet shows or comic strips. } _ul {{Note_start code} {{boldy} 3) Discovering and practising new communication tools and internet encoding}} {{Note_end code} _p As too often slaves of software owned by computer firms or advertisement plagued websites, our pupils are often unaware of the existence of simple, free, and educational tools available on the internet. We have chosen to propose to all our partners to create the pages of their websites themselves without using any software. We use alphawiki and its lambdatalk syntax. We often find that the introduction of programming is an excellent educational tool. } _ul {{Note_start school_failure} {{boldy} 4) Fighting against school failure}} {{Note_end school_failure} _p All the pupils who participate in the Heroic Fantasy project radically change their approach of school. The wide range of meetings, the discovery and practice of different cultures as well as the concrete aspect of the project produce a complete transformation of our pupils. For them school thus becomes a genuine learning place, one they have chosen instead of having it imposed upon. } _p See the [[Project's TimeTable|data/Timetable_2014-2017_heroic_fantasy_20150730.pdf]]. Feedbacks are welcome in [[forum]] or in [[forum's farm|?view=forum_farm]]! {div {@ style="display:none"} {def thetable table {@ style="font-size:0.8em; box-shadow:0 0 8px black; border:1px solid;"}} {def thetitle td {@ style=" font-weight:bold; font-size:1.5em; background:#f88; text-align:center;"}} {def heure td {@ style="width:70px; font-weight:bold; background:#ffa; text-align:center;"}} {def jour td {@ style=" font-weight:bold; background:#8f8; text-align:center; font-size:1.5em;"}} } {div {@ style="display:none"} {def native div {@ style="float:left; background:cyan; width:45%; margin-left:10px; padding:5px; text-align:center; box-shadow:0 0 8px black;"}} {def english div {@ style="float:right; background:yellow; width:45%; margin-right:10px; padding:5px; text-align:center; box-shadow:0 0 8px black;"}} {def end_block div {@ style="clear:both;"}} {def image {lambda {:img :txt :target} {a {@ href=":target"}{img {@ src=":img" height="60" title=":txt" style="box-shadow:0 0 8px black; border:1px solid white;"}} }}} {def ERASMUS {div {@ id="forum" style="position:absolute; top:50px; right:20px;"} {img {@ src="data/erasmus.jpg" height=50}}}} {def boldy span {@ style="font-weight:bold; font-size:1.0em; color:#600;"}} {def Note_start {lambda {:id} note_start :id}} {def Note_end {lambda {:id} note_end {@ id=":id" style="box-shadow:0 0 8px black; background:#ffe;"}}} } {style °° a:hover { color:blue; text-decoration:underline } °°}